In today's digital age, marketing is more important than ever for businesses to stay competitive and grow their customer base. However, with the plethora of marketing tools available, knowing which platform is right for your business can be challenging. SharpSpring is an all-in-one marketing automation platform that offers a range of tools to help businesses streamline their marketing efforts.

What is SharpSpring?

SharpSpring is a cloud-based marketing automation platform that provides a comprehensive suite of marketing tools to help businesses automate their marketing processes. The platform offers features such as email marketing, social media management, CRM, landing pages, and more, all integrated into one platform.

With SharpSpring, businesses can create and manage email campaigns, track website visitors, automate lead nurturing, and analyze the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. The platform also provides lead scoring, which allows businesses to prioritize their leads and focus their efforts on those with the most potential for conversion.

SharpSpring also offers integrations with other platforms, such as Google Analytics, Salesforce, and Zapier, making connecting with different tools and systems accessible.

Why choose SharpSpring?

One of the main benefits of SharpSpring is its affordability. Compared to other marketing automation platforms, SharpSpring is relatively cost-effective, making it an ideal option for small and medium-sized businesses.

SharpSpring's user-friendly interface and intuitive workflow make it easy for businesses to get started with the platform quickly. The platform also offers extensive support and resources to help users learn how to use the tools effectively.

SharpSpring also provides in-depth reporting and analytics, allowing businesses to track and analyze the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. This data helps companies to make informed decisions about their marketing strategy, making optimizing campaigns and increasing ROI easier.

Centipede Digital as a SharpSpring Partner

As a SharpSpring partner, Centipede Digital is uniquely positioned to help businesses get the most out of the platform. Our team of experts has extensive experience in implementing and managing SharpSpring for clients, helping them achieve their marketing goals.

We work closely with clients to understand their unique business needs and develop a customized marketing strategy that leverages SharpSpring's tools to achieve their objectives. Our services include email campaign creation and management, lead nurturing and reporting, and analytics.


SharpSpring is an all-in-one marketing automation platform that provides businesses with various tools to streamline their marketing efforts. With its affordability, user-friendly interface, and extensive reporting and analytics, SharpSpring is an excellent option for companies looking to automate their marketing processes.

As a SharpSpring partner, Centipede Digital is dedicated to helping businesses get the most out of the platform. With our expertise in marketing strategy and SharpSpring implementation, we can help companies to achieve their marketing objectives and grow their business.